


    传统上, 女农民一直是得不到充分服务的群体, as their cultural roles and social disparities have made it hard for them to access agriculture extension services, 并有资格获得资助企业所需的银行贷款. They often manage household income but can be locked out from earning sufficient income on their own.

    “Our previous research in 加纳 demonstrated that integrating services for women farmers and providing them with better access to financial support can not only increase income but improve food security, 饮食质量, 社会福利,博士解释道。. 优雅的年代. 侯爵, 人类营养学副教授, 麦吉尔大学, 人类营养学院, 蒙特利尔, 加拿大.

    “So, 推荐几个足彩外围app设计了一个项目, 叫做链接, to work with local institutions to help provide women with such funding and support.”

    该项目是2021年决赛入围者之一 推荐买球平台粮食安全创新奖, which aims to support scientific research that can deliver transformational impacts within global agriculture. 与 Agropolis基金会, the Prize recognises an innovative scientific research project for its potential impact on the availability, 可访问性, 食物的可负担性和充足性, 符合联合国可持续发展目标#2:消除饥饿. 获胜者将于今年9月公布,并将获得75美元的奖金,为扩大他们已证实的研究提供了1万美元的资助.

    “Our previous research indicated the clear need for interventions,” Dr. 侯爵继续. “推荐几个足彩外围app知道在上马尼亚克罗博区, food insecure households were associated with women having no formal education. Being food insecure was associated with riskier health behaviours and poorer child health outcomes.“

    Linking Up started with acquiring a deep understanding of the barriers to women’s involvement in farmer-based organisations, 农民在哪里分享他们的经验和见解, 访问资源. That understanding led to the development of an intervention model which enables women to access low interest rate loans managed by the local rural bank, 与财务/业务, 保健和营养培训. 迄今为止,约有160名妇女参与了该方案.  The project is also testing different methods to support their education, 包括每周的手机短信. 

    “Conclusive results aren’t available yet, but the anecdotal reports are very encouraging,” Dr. 侯爵说. “例如, one women’s group in Yilo Krobo went into vegetable production and was not only able to pay off their loan before the bank’s due date, but also organised a fund-raising ceremony to purchase equipment to help share agriculture and other information within the community.” 

    “Our goal is to scale up the programme to become a long-lasting community development model, which will enable public and private institutions to work together to improve incomes, 农村家庭的生计和营养. We hope this will empower women farmers in other parts of 加纳 and beyond,” she added.  

    If you’d like to know more about this project or get involved, please contact Dr. 格蕾丝·马奎斯博士. 下面是Esi Colecraft. 


    皮特·范·阿斯滕 Head Sustainable Production Systems for 推荐买球平台 coffee and member of judging panel for the 2021 推荐买球平台美食奖
